Category: Videos

Lectures and conversations.

00: Getting started, how to succeed

Getting started—an example program Always write for 2 audiences! people clients, customers teammates team leader, supervisor, project manager colleagues working on documentation, quality assurance, marketing, training your future self the computer First, do nothing well! Work in small steps. Check yourself at every stage. Get a working example from someone else, then type it yourself—learn…

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01: What is special about C?

Evolution of programming languages first high level language was FORTRAN in 1954-1956 FORTRAN = “FORmula TRANslation”, created at IBM procedural languages (1960s) — FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, PL/I arithmetic and logical expressions, variables, assignment statements statements that define loops (repeated actions) statements that allow decisions (conditionally executed actions) short variable names (2 characters in early version…

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