colleagues working on documentation, quality assurance, marketing, training
your future self
the computer
First, do nothing well!
Work in small steps.
Check yourself at every stage.
Get a working example from someone else, then type it yourself—learn through your fingers
Change the example a little bit, then a little bit more, until the program is your
How to succeed
// "stdio" is "standard input / output"
// "stdlib" is "standard library"
// stdio.h is a header file ( "h" for header)
// stdlib.h is another header file
// a header file contains declarations of
// functions
// need stdio.h to use the printf() functions
#include <stdio.h>
// need stdlib.h to use the exit() function
#include <stdlib.h>
// execution of the program will begin in the main() function
// "argc" means "argument count"
// "argv" means "argument vector"
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// Change the contents of the message as you wish.
printf( "Good morning!\n" );
// Make the program print as many messages as you wish.
printf( "It is a beautiful day.\n" );
// signal that the program has completed its work successfully
exit( 0 );
} // main( int, char** )